Saturday, April 12 | 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cook Library Room 206Z​
$75 with option to add hot lunch for $10
$35 for full-time students
The deadline to register is March 28 and registration is limited to 60 participants. ​
There will be a drawing in the afternoon session for participants to submit a query letter or draft first pages to Heather and Hallie's agents.
8:45 – 10: 15 a.m.
Linda Williams Jackson
Game Plan: Get Your Book Written from Start to Finish
Do you have an idea for a children’s book? Ever tried writing a book and gotten stuck in the middle?
In this workshop, award-winning author Linda Williams Jackson takes you through a game plan for
success. Jump the hurdles of plot holes, tackle the tricky middle, and score the sweet success of writing
“The End.” Linda shares her winning strategies for writing a book you can be proud of.
10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Will Hillenbrand
Find the “Thread” in Your Illustrations and Create Non-Destructive Art with Today’s Illustrators’ Tools
Ever wondered what the secret is to illustrating a great children’s book?
Join author and illustrator of over 80 books, Will Hillenbrand, for a workshop on finding the “thread” that
runs through a story and illustrating with your own style. Will’s career in illustration has taught him plenty
of tricks, including how to experiment without destroying a great illustration. Wrong color? Weird squiggle?
Wonky shape? No worries. Will knows just what tools you can use to play without consequence.
12 to 12:45 p.m.
Lunch (provided for a $10 registration fee, or bring your own)
12:45 to 3:15 p.m.
Hallie Christensen and Heather C. Morris
Publishing 101
Join authors Hallie Christensen and Heather C. Morris for a jam-packed afternoon of all you need to know
to get your work in front of readers! From the basics of submitting to agents and publishers, to the elements
of marketability, Hallie and Heather have tried-and-true strategies to help you get your work published.
Other topics include query letters, write-for-hire work, and even staying up to date with markets.
Attendees will be entered into a drawing for agent critiques!
3:30 to 5 p.m.
Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the de Grummond Children’s Literature Collection